Google’s Autonomous Cars Project Update: Self-Driving Cars now on Go for Road Tests

Here’s a
heads-up to all modern driving enthusiasts from across the globe who are
tracking on the latest development about Google’s autonomous cars project. The
tech giant has recently announced that its driverless cars are already on the go for road testings.
Google driverless cars autonomous cars project update
Google, in
its Monday blast through AP, has said that their driverless cars have already
started to acclimatize the navigation of the city streets, including the
challenges that are likely to show up in different areas such as jaywalkers and
bicyclists intertwining the highway.
Over the
past year, Google has seen notable progress but the Silicon Valley tech giant
said the cars still have plenty of learning to do before the year 2017 — the
company’s target year to formally introduce its autonomous driving technology
to the public.
A test
group of at least ten cars have been fitted out by the project team for this highway
check. Among test cars include three Lexus RX450h, six Toyota Prius, and an
Audi TT. Each of these cars was accompanied by one of a dozen drivers in the
driver’s seat and a Google engineer in the passenger seat.
One of the
test roads navigated by the vehicles was the Lombard Street of San Francisco —
a road known for its steep hairpin turns. They also went over the Golden Gate
Bridge and took a tour around Lake Tahoe.
Each of
the test vehicles employs a system of sensors to maintain distance from other
vehicles while the system driving at the speed limit stored on its maps.
engineers have also entrenched a system override, allowing a human driver to
take control of the car by simply stepping on the brake and maneuvering the
wheel. The system is closely akin to the cruise control systems present in
today’s cars.
driverless car is a company project that implicates enhancing of technology for
autonomous cars. The project is led by the co-inventor of Google Street View
and former director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and
Google engineer Sebastian Thrun.
Thrun and
his Stanford team were the people behind the successful creation of the robotic
vehicle called Stanley, winner of the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge.
These cars
are powered by certain software called Google

News on a
driverless vehicle from Google called Robo-Taxi first surfaced in August 2013. Similar
gossips re-appeared early in 2014, after Google acquired a patent for an
advertising fee funded transportation service that comprise autonomous vehicles
as contemporary transport method.

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